North Royalton Democratic Club

Join the Opposition Party Today!

For Workers. For Freedom. For Democracy.


Our mission is to support Democratic principles and candidates through grassroots education and activism.

2025 Meeting Dates

Are you ready to be part of our work to promote Democratic values and candidates here in North Royalton? Are you just looking for some progressive friends in the area? Either way, come join us at our next meeting! Our monthly meetings usually take place on the Third or Fourth Thursdays of the month at 7:00 pm, unless otherwise noted.

Thursday, January 16 - North Royalton Library, Room 124

Thursday, February 20 - North Royalton Library, Room 124

Thursday, March 20 - North Royalton Library, Room 121

Thursday, April 17 - North Royalton Library, Room 121

Thursday, May 22 - North Royalton Library, Room 121

Thursday, June 19 - North Royalton Library, Room 124

July TBD - Summer Social (no formal meeting)

Thursday, August 21 - North Royalton Library

Thursday, September 18 - North Royalton Library

Thursday, October 16 - North Royalton Library

November TBD

Southwest Region Democratic Club Holiday Party - TBD

Thank you to our Summer Social sponsors:

Monthly Food Pantry Donations

At every monthly meeting, we ask that you bring a toiletry or food item for the North Royalton Food Pantry if you are able.  The current most needed items are:

Personal care items



Toothbrush (individually packaged)


Body Wash

Bar or hand soap

Paper Products

Paper Towels

Toilet Paper



Spaghetti sauce

Instant mashed potatoes


Canned fruit

Chunky soups or stews

Do you need assistance with food and toiletries right now? Many of us have been there. The City of North Royalton partners with Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church to help residents in times of need with the North Royalton Food Pantry. You can contact Terry Close at Royal Redeemer to set up an appointment for assistance. His email is or visit